Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a branch of the homeland security department whose mission is to protect US citizens from the risk of illegal immigration. As a result, hundreds of immigrants face arrest and detention for being in the country illegally or committing crimes that warrant extreme immigration consequences like deportation. If you or a loved one faces an arrest for an immigration violation, you will be placed in ICE detention as you await the outcome of your Immigration court proceedings.

The ICE deals with numerous cases. Therefore, remaining in custody for your scheduled hearings could take a toll on your life. Fortunately, you can secure a temporary release on an immigration bond and attend your proceedings from home. The amount you must pay as an immigration bond is determined by an immigration judge after the arrest and detention.

You can post your immigration bond in cash or through the services of a surety bond company. Due to the cost and inconvenience associated with a cash bond, most people opt for surety companies. At Brennan Immigration Bonds, we offer fast and affordable immigration bond services to all clients facing ICE detention in Philadelphia, PA.

An Overview of Immigration Bonds in Pennsylvania

An immigration bond is an agreement between ICE and a person who has been arrested for violating immigration laws. Pennsylvania is strict on immigrants, and a conviction for some offenses may attract serious immigration consequences like deportation or inadmissibility. Instead of remaining in ICE detention while you wait for your immigration proceedings, you can post a certain amount of money in exchange for your release.

An immigration bond assures that you will follow through with all the immigration court proceedings. The amount you must pay as the immigration court judge sets an immigration bond during your immigration bond hearing.

Types of Immigration Bond

There are several immigration bonds you may need to post before a release with pending ICE proceedings, including:

  • Delivery Bond

A delivery bond is the most common immigration bond available for ICE detainees in the United States. This type of bond allows you to return to your normal life in the US as you await the outcome of your immigration proceedings. The amount you must pay for a delivery bond correlates with your flight risk, the seriousness of your immigration violations, and your criminal history.

After a release on a delivery bond, the immigration judge orders that you return to court on a scheduled date. The requirements you need before a release on delivery bond include an arrest warrant and notice of custody conditions.

  • Public Safety Bond

If you face an arrest and detention by the ICE, you cannot accept financial assistance from the state. A public safety bond is paid for by individuals who have demonstrated an inability to support themselves. The public charge bond ensures you will not receive assistance until your bond is canceled.

  • Order of Supervision Bond

An order of supervision bond is issued to individuals awaiting an immigration court hearing or deportation. The main purpose of this type of bond is to track the alien’s movements while out on bond. However, you must follow all the conditions of your bond failure, to which you can face an arrest and be returned to custody.

  • Voluntary Departure Bond

A voluntary departure bond is an immigration bond based on a court order. The immigration court judge orders your release in this bind on the condition that you will leave the United States within a stipulated time. Once you have left the country, the person who paid the voluntary departure bond will recover their money, and a forceful removal will not be necessary. However, if you fail to leave within the agreed time, you can face an arrest and suffer bail forfeiture.

Immigration Bond Hearing in Philadelphia

A bond hearing is a court proceeding where the immigration court determines your eligibility for a release from ICE detention on bond. You can request your bond hearing after the MasterCard hearing. A MasterCard hearing is the initial hearing that involves entering a plea to immigration charges. On your arrival at the ICE detention, the ICE officers will issue form I-286, which provides details of their custody determination. If you are not released on your own recognizance, a bond amount you must pay for a release is set.

If you disagree with the bond amount or fail to receive a bond determination, you must request and attend your bond hearing. When deciding to grant you an immigration bond, the immigration court judge may consider the following factors:

  • You are a flight risk. While posting an immigration bond allows you to stay out of detention and move on with your life with pending immigration proceedings, the bond aims to encourage you to appear at the immigration court as scheduled. Your flight risk is a significant factor used to determine the amount you must pay for the bond.
  • Community safety. When deciding to release you on an immigration bond, the immigration judge will assess the impact of your release on other community members. If you threaten their safety, you may need to pay a high bond amount or remain in detention. The court determines the level of risk you present by checking your criminal history.
  • Threat to national security. The severity of your immigration violations helps determine your threat to national security. If you have been charged with a serious offense like drug trafficking or terrorism, the ICE could conclude that releasing you is unsafe.

When attending your bond hearing, it would be best to carry all the evidence you need to prove that you are not a flight risk and did not pose any danger to others. Some of the evidence that can prove your likelihood of returning for immigration court proceedings include evidence of employment and having strong family ties in the US. Additionally, you can present letters of rehabilitation or testimonies of your good character to prove that you have reformed from your past criminal activities.

If the immigration judge grants you a bond, ICE will issue you a written order stating the amount you must pay for the release. ICE allows you up to thirty days to pay your immigration bond before your master case hearing. Failure to pay the bond within this time means that you will attend your hearing from detention. In addition to stipulating a bond amount, the immigration court judge will attach various conditions you must follow while out on bond.

Benefits of Using a Philadelphia Immigration Bond Agent

Although posting an immigration bond in cash is an easy and fast way to secure the release of your loved one from ICE. Posting a bond using the services of a surety bond company offers a wide variety of benefits, including:

Faster Release Process

When you face ICE detention, you will be among thousands of other immigrants in the detention center. Other families may hope to post an immigration bond and secure their loved one’s release. Since an appointment is necessary to post bond, your loved one may have to wait to be released. Surety bond companies have more experience in dealing with ICE and immigration courts. When you contact a Philadelphia immigration bonds agent, the agent spends most of their time dealing with your case, ensuring a faster release.

In addition to properly understanding the process, immigration bond companies have the necessary finances to secure a release from ICE custody. This ensures that the bond process begins after you contact the company.

Flexible Payment Options

A bond paid directly to ICE must be presented using a cashier’s check. The check you present must be in an amount that covers the entire bond amount. If you cannot pay the full bond amount, there is no option of making partial payments. When you hire an immigration bonds company to help post your loved one’s bond, you can create a payment plan to pay the bond collateral, all of which is returned to you when the bond is cancelled. A repayment plan involves offering down payment and paying the remaining installments. This allows ICE detainees who secure the services of an immigration bond agency an opportunity to secure release.

Expert Guidance

For individuals who have dealt with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, having your loved one in detention is a frightening experience. Securing your loved one’s release can be long and exhausting. Working with an experienced immigration bondsman ensures you are knowledgeable about the immigration bond process. In addition to posting a bond for your loved one, the Philadelphia immigration bonds agent shoulders the responsibility of ensuring that the illegal immigrant does not skip the bond.

Cost of Immigration Bonds

In addition to the 15% premium, collateral is a requirement for immigration bonds. Immigration bond companies have varying policies on what they accept as collateral for immigration bonds. Some items you can present as collateral include real estate properties, land, cash or credit cards. The immigration bonds company holds onto the collateral you provide until you appear for all your ICE hearings.

When the immigration bonds company recovers the amount they used for your bond from the court, they can turn over the collateral to you. Another option for offering collateral for your bond is wearing an electronic monitor on your ankle or wrist to ensure you do not flee. The process of recovering collateral from the ICE offices and the immigration bonds company is similar.

Qualities of a Good Immigration Bonds Company

Securing your loved one’s release from ICE detention is complicated. However, your choice of an immigration bond agent could impact the process. The following are some of the qualities that make a great immigration bond company:

  • Experience. Posting bond in immigration court is different from posting bail in state court. Therefore, you will need an agent with extensive experience posting immigration bonds. The longer the agency has been serving, the better the chances that they understand the ins and outs of immigration courts.
  • 24/7 availability. Arrests occur at any time of the day. Therefore, you should hire a Philadelphia immigration bonds company with agents available whenever you need them. Additionally, the agent must be continuously available throughout the jail release process.
  • Licensing. All surety bond companies that provide immigration bonds in Pennsylvania must be licensed to offer these services. Having a licensed agent gives you more confidence in their experience and the quality of their services.
  • Effective communication. While posting an immigration bond, many concepts may be challenging to understand. Having an immigration bonds agent who communicates every aspect of your situation is vital.

Immigration Bond Denial

Not all individuals detained by the ICE in Philadelphia will be eligible for an immigration bond. Depending on your current status in the United States and the reasons for your detention, the immigration court judge can order that you remain in custody awaiting your removal proceedings. The following are some factors that could result in the denial of an immigration bond release:

  • You are a non-citizen of the United States arriving in the country after a trip abroad.
  • You were unlawfully admitted to the US. Unlawful admission means you did not present the relevant documents to justify your presence in the country.
  • You engaged in acts that threatened national security.
  • You face criminal charges for offenses like possessing, selling and distributing drugs or crimes of extreme violence.

You do not agree with the immigration judge’s decision to deny you a bond. You can request a hearing where you present mitigating evidence to justify your eligibility for the bond.

ICE detention centers in Philadelphia, PA, include:

DHS ICE Philadelphia

114 N 8th St

Philadelphia, PA 19107


Detention Center

700 Arch St

Philadelphia, PA 19106


Immigration Court - EOIR

900 Market St

Philadelphia, PA 19107


Find a Skilled Philadelphia Immigration Bonds Agent Near Me

Learning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement have detained your loved one or friend can be a stressful and frightening experience. The situation worsens when you are the person detained in immigration detention, certain of the uncertainty of the outcome of your case. Often, ICE detains illegal immigrants or immigrants who commit crimes that warrant removal from the US.

Fortunately, your loved one does not have to remain in detention while ICE proceedings move forward. You can secure their release by posting an immigration bond. Depending on their situation, you can post a delivery or voluntary departure bond. Posting the bond allows the person to continue with their lives and return to work.

Immigration cases are often very sensitive, which makes the bond amounts set for these cases too high for many detainees and their families to afford. Therefore, you may need to find alternative options, like seeking the services of a surety bond company.

At Brennan Immigration Bonds, we understand the devastation of watching your loved one be held in ICE detention. Our Philadelphia immigration bond agents will offer the financial assistance you need to post bond and guide you throughout the immigration bond process. Contact us at 888-668-1588.